dk_setup() { $config = new Wordproof_App_Config(); $translations = new Wordproof_Translations(); WordPressSDK::getInstance( $config, $translations ) ->certificate() ->initialize(); } /** * Removes the WordProof timestamp post meta if a legal page is changed. * * @param int $old_post_id The old post id. * @param int $new_post_id The new post id. * * @return void */ public function disable_timestamp_for_previous_legal_page( $old_post_id, $new_post_id ) { if ( $old_post_id !== $new_post_id ) { \delete_post_meta( $old_post_id, '_yoast_wpseo_wordproof_timestamp' ); } } /** * Return the Yoast post meta key for the SDK to determine if the post should be timestamped. * * @param array $meta_keys The array containing meta keys that should be used. * @return array */ public function add_post_meta_key( $meta_keys ) { return [ $this->post_meta_key ]; } /** * Return an empty array to disable automatically timestamping selected post types. * * @param array $post_types The array containing post types that should be automatically timestamped. * @return array */ public function wordproof_timestamp_post_types( $post_types ) { return []; } /** * This filters hides the certificate if the Yoast post meta key is not set to true. * * @param bool $value If the certificate should be shown. * @param WP_Post $post The post object of the post for which to determine the certificate should be shown. * @return bool|null */ public function show_certificate( $value, $post ) { if ( ! $value ) { return $value; } if ( ! $this->wordproof->integration_is_active() ) { return false; } return \boolval( PostMetaHelper::get( $post->ID, $this->post_meta_key ) ); } /** * Adds the WordProof integration toggle to the array. * * @param array $fields The currently registered meta fields. * * @return array A new array with meta fields. */ public function add_meta_field( $fields ) { $fields['advanced']['wordproof_timestamp'] = [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'title' => '', 'default_value' => '', 'description' => '0', ]; return $fields; } /** * Enqueue the uikit script. * * @return void */ public function enqueue_assets() { if ( CertificateHelper::show() ) { $flat_version = $this->asset_manager->flatten_version( \WPSEO_VERSION ); /** * We are using the Admin asset manager to register and enqueue a file served for all visitors, * authenticated and unauthenticated users. */ $script = new WPSEO_Admin_Asset( [ 'name' => 'wordproof-uikit', 'src' => 'wordproof-uikit.js', 'version' => $flat_version, ] ); $this->asset_manager->register_script( $script ); $this->asset_manager->enqueue_script( 'wordproof-uikit' ); } } /** * Adds async to the wordproof-uikit script. * * @param string $tag The script tag for the enqueued script. * @param string $handle The script's registered handle. * @param string $src The script's source URL. * * @return string The script's tag. * * @phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources.NonEnqueuedScript */ public function add_async_to_script( $tag, $handle, $src ) { if ( $handle !== WPSEO_Admin_Asset_Manager::PREFIX . 'wordproof-uikit' ) { return $tag; } return ""; } } - ENVIEQ

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