Why water level loggers need a barometric compensation?

Barometric compensation

Water level loggers provide you with the continuous monitoring of water level in a well, tank or natural reservoir. The developers implemented a simple and effective method of operation. The logger’s hardware includes the sensor that reads water pressure. Thus, when the instrument is submerged on the same depth, but the liquid level changes for some reason, the pressure changes too and the logger documents those fluctuations. Usually, such equipment is supplied with a long-life battery that guarantees up to 10 years of effective performance. During this period, water level loggers need no additional maintenance, all you have to do is download the data from the tool to your computer or mobile device. Different models offer different options for this — you can do it either in the field, wire-free or through the cable, or at home via the optic reader or USB. Certainly, you need a special app installed on your laptop or smartphone.

Barometric compensation

There is one problem with the simple design and mechanism of action of the water level loggers — the changes in the atmospheric pressure can cause the distortions in the logger’s recordings. The developers took care of it, so the design of all devices allows for this or that method of barometric compensation. Actually, there are three of them:

Heron Instruments BarLog NANO

  • the vented loggers are equipped with the special vent tube, which levels the air pressure on both ends of the logger. Such constructions are bigger and cannot be left without any additional service, as tube must be clean of dirt and precipitations;
  • non-vented water level loggers can compensate the barometric pressure using the barlogger, a special device that connects to the water level logger. The information from this instrument is calculated to measure the actual level of water;
  • there are non-vented models that take the barometric information from the meteorological stations. It can happen either automatically, or manually.

If you choose the variant with barometric logger, most commonly both devices will come in one package.

Envieq will help

Our online store of the environmental equipment Envieq offers you the most effective, budget-friendly and reputable equipment from the world-famed brands Aquaread, Solinst, Van Essen and Heron Instruments.

Vented Logger dipperNANO

We have models for any sites and tasks, both vented and non-vented. With these tools, you can control the depth, temperature, and salinity of the water. They are all comfortable, transportable and easy to operate and maintain. The design is solid, the materials are firm and long-wearing, resistant to corrosion and contaminants.

The sensors are protected from the hostile environment and provide you with a precise analysis for years. The range of application is wide:

  • monitoring of groundwater;
  • control over the aquifer during the engineering and building works, mining or subway construction;
  • agricultural activities;
  • regular measurements of water parameters in a well or natural waterbody;
  • keeping track of changes of the water level during the tidal motions;
  • ecological and environmental researches, etc.

The pre-installed software will gather all the data from the logger and display the information in every detail. And with the help of the Rainlogger by Solinst, you can additionally measure the rainfall level in the controlled area.

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